Welcome to MDBA River Data.
This website aims to give an overview only of flow and storage information for the River Murray system. Please note that some sites may be off-line and no data is shown. For information from other catchments please contact your relevant state water agency. More information is available at Who does what in the catchments.
Lower Lakes Barrages Murray
This value represents total number of gates open at 6 am each day. However, the figure shown does not always accurately indicate the average number of open gates over a 24 hour period, as gate openings are often undertaken more than once a day to co–ordinate with natural tidal changes and levels in the Coorong. Fishway openings are not shown and these generally remain open whenever possible.
Information on total daily volume of water through the barrages is available on the South Australian Department for Environment and Water Data – Water Data SA
Gates open
2/593 gates
13/09/2024 09:00Dissolved Oxygen
Chart only
Water level
Chart data: